About BioResponse Nutrients

About BioResponse Nutrients

BioResponse Nutrients is the market leader and originator of microencapsulated BioResponse Diindolylmethane (BioResponse DIM®/BR-DIM®). BioResponse is engaged in ongoing research into the health benefits of healthy estrogen metabolism.  The company supports the research, development, manufacturing and distributing of its proprietary dietary ingredient to companies worldwide under signed licensing agreements and directly to health care providers and consumers.

Licensing Opportunities may be available – please contact BioResponse, LLC for more information.  BioResponse LLC Tradenames available to licensees include BioResponse DIM®, Indolplex®, BioDIM®, DIMPRO® and BR-DIM®.

BioResponse’s mission for over 25 years has been its commitment to research for present nutraceutical and future therapeutic uses of DIM.

BioResponse’s mission is to drive ground-breaking research  to educate and empower healthcare practitioners regarding the far reaching uses of microencapsulated DIM. We strive to making a difference in improving lives by improving hormonal health.

Michael A. Zeligs, M.D., CEO and Founder, was the first ever to develop absorbable diindolylmethane (DIM) for human use.  DIM, an  indole originally discovered in cruciferous vegetables, is highly insoluble.  In collaboration with co-inventor Irwin C Jacobs, Ph.D and other world-renowned scientists, BioResponse developed the proprietary microencapsulation  Phytosorb®  delivery technology that guarantees the absorption of DIM.  This innovative technology significantly improves the absorption of DIM.  BioResponse has received numerous U.S. and world patents for uses of DIM for women’s and men’s health.  BioResponse DIM is the dietary ingredient of choice, backed by scientific studies.  Clinical studies have been conducted using microencapsulated DIM at numerous universities worldwide.

LEARN MORE: About Michael A. Zeligs, M.D.

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